The story begins…

For the eighth time, Kelly checked the maps. Those would be essential. If nothing else, Kelly was sure of that.

The message last night had been vague. "I miss you. Are you coming back?" It had taken Kelly a sleepless night of tossing and turning to come up with the answer.

"Yes," Kelly thought. "Yes, I'm going back. Hang on."

The old green backpack couldn't hold much more and still be manageable. It even included some water and a little food. And Kelly had the maps, of course.

"Will we even recognize each other when I get there?" thought Kelly. "It's been three years."

"Pep-talk time," Kelly whispered. "You can do this. You're ready." Kelly frowned, not believing the whisper for an instant.

Leaving a quick note next to the oven – "I can't say where I've gone and I don't know when I'll be back" – Kelly headed to the door and paused. There was one more thing. Doctor Van Holt. Kelly could make a quick visit, just to get it over with, or skip it.

"Which is scarier, I wonder," thought Kelly. "Hearing what Doctor Van Holt has to say, or worrying that I'll find out later?"

When she knocked on the door, it swung open, exposing Van Holt, sitting on the floor playing with toy army vehicles. He looked a bit surprised, pushed his toys to the side and greeted Kelly, "yes, yes, I'm glad you could keep your appointment, Kelly. Sorry about the toys, I sometimes play army to relieve stress."

Meanwhile, Perry adjusted the video camera to look at the visitor. He was curious as it was the first time he had seen anyone in Dr. Van Holt's office, other than Van Holt himself.

"As I was telling you earlier, Perry wanted to meet you before his travels. I can see he is watching us now as the video camera light is on. Knowing you are his travel agent, he wants to ask you about his journey. I think he is a bit nervous as it will be the first time he has ever left the building. Do you think you could answer a few questions for him?"

"That's fine, Perry," said Kelly. "What do you want to know?"

Perry's first question was blunt. "Why me?"

Kelly shrugged. "I have no idea. Davin asked for you by name."

"He knows I'm crazy, right?" asked Perry. Perry looked at Dr. Van Holt. "I am crazy, right, Doc?"

Van Holt straightened his tie. "Well, that is the diagnosis, Perry. We've been over that lots of times. Now if you still think there is something wrong with..."

Kelly interrupted the doctor without even a glance. "Perry," she continued. "This is going to be hard. For both of us. But I'm certain Davin knows the diagnosis. And I'm certain he thinks your fighting skill are going to be key to the revolution."

Van Holt asked "Perry, you were a soldier?"

"Well," said Perry. "Let's just say I was something between a full-fledged soldier and a guy who plays with army trucks on the floor of his office."

"What do I need to do to get Perry out of here and take him with me?" asked Kelly.

"As his ... uh ... travel agent?" asked the doctor.

Kelly smiled sweetly. "As whatever it is that will get him out of here and onto the road with me."

"You don't have to do anything," said Van Holt. "Perry can leave any time he wants."

Perry thought for a few seconds. "Then that time is now."

It was mere minutes before Perry and Kelly were in the sunlight.

"Are you ready for this?" asked Kelly.

Perry just looked at her.

"Yeah. Me neither," said Kelly.

"Kelly," Perry said. "Am I supposed to go ... you know ... armed?"

Kelly paused. "I'm not sure."

"It might come in handy. Once we get there. And on the road. It's a kilometer to a storage unit I still rent. We can get supplied there.

Kelly checked the sky as she considered. An hour before sunset and miles to go before they reached the relative safety of the forest. And there, in the East, rainclouds. "No, Perry, I don't think any supplies we could bring would be worth heavier load and the delay. It's time to get going now." She stepped off briskly. After a short hesitation, Perry shambled after her.

"Am I up to this?" he wondered. Open air, blustery wind, hard leather shoes - quite a change from his carpet slippers and dressing gown. And how much brighter and multidimensional the world was after a lifetime interpreted by the two-dimensional video screen. "Davin asked for me." He knew Davin's reputation. He decided he could trust his judgement. "I will make it!" he vowed.

Kelly had come to a similar conclusion. "Davin asked for him, and I will bring him." She reviewed the items in her backpack as they continued in silence. She had not expected a fellow traveler, and the dried meat and small leather canteen would not suffice. By evening tomorrow she would have to secure food and water. If they reached the forest before the rain they would have some shelter, but no stars for navigating. She patted the rolled maps and quickened her step.

An hour later they could see the border of trees in the shade of the mountain. "Another quarter mile," she thought, and they would be safely hidden by the trees. Looking ahead, some movement caught her eye. Four huge crows flapped and cawed around a bundle on the roadside. "What's that?" Kelly asked, but she shushed him. She didn't know, but her suspicions were high. It could be someone in need, but it could be a trap. "I don't know."

Kelly and Perry went towards the crows. It was almost as if they had entered another world, as the crows scattered from the bundle on their approach. This world was one from which all color seemed to have drained.

"Are you sure we should do this?" Perry said, strangely unnerved in this place far from the safety of a hospital ward. "We have enough problems, without creating more."

"You can only find out by looking" Kelly said, "Have courage" She then opened the bundle and looked inside. For Perry's sake, she maintained an impression of calm, although the pounding of her heart floated upon nauseating waves when she saw what was inside the bundle.

Within the bundle were severed human arms and legs, below the knees, hairy and caked with blood. The only other thing in the bundle was a pendant, also caked with blood. Upon the pendant was an unusual design; a wave with a trident, like a political or religious symbol she had never seen before.

"It's human body parts" she said, finally.

"That means we are witnesses. If this is found, people will suspect us. Maybe this is already a trap, and these parts have been planted here." Perry said.

"It's too late now. I really am interested to know what this symbol means." Kelly said. "It could be important"

She was about to search for the meaning of her symbol on her phone when Perry interupted.

"If you search for the meaning of the symbol online, this will make you seem suspicious. Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Don't be such a coward! It's just a Google search. What's the worst that could happen?" Kelly's face formed into a smug grin.

"Please, listen to me! You don't know what you're doing!" Perry's face was anxious, sweat dropping down his face. "You have to believe me!"

"It's a search on the internet!"

"It's worse than that!"

"No it's not! What is so bad about that symbol?"

"You need to put the phone away, before THEY come!"

"Who is "they""

"They're right behind y-"

Kelly did not hear the rest of Perry's frantic cries, because before he could finish, Kelly felt something cold and hard hit her. She stumbled to the ground, her senses faded, and everything went black.

Kelly awoke in a dark room. "Where the heck am I?" Kelly said to herself. She heard voices in the distance. On the wall, there were 2 buttons. There were labels above each of them, but it was too dark to read them. The voices were getting closer now, so close that Kelly could hear what they were saying.

"Now? She just arrived"

"She knows too much."

"But... we already have an execution today!"

"See if I care! Move it back! Let him go if you have to! It's bad enough we stored her in the control room! She will wake up any second now. I'll go get her."

"Y-yes sir!"

Kelly heard the sound of a passcode being put into a door. "Better choose fast!"

Kelly had lived near the forest her whole life. She was a part of it; it was a part of her. She had spent most of her spare hours as a girl climbing the trees and jumping from branch to branch. And never had this been more relevant than when Kelly pushed the button on the left and the louvers of an air conditioning duct flipped open above her.

"Just one chance," she thought. She crouched, her leg muscles coiled like a tiger's, and leapt into the air. She had aimed perfectly and her fingers entered through the vent holes. Hanging on by her finger muscles, Kelly pulled herself up, and then dropped as hard as she could. The panel covering the air conditioning duct popped open, swinging on its hinges.

As the door to the room slid open, Kelly vaulted into the air conditioning duct and start shimmying up. "Maybe they didn't see where I went!", Kelly hoped — a hope that was shattered when she heard a man's voice shout "She's up there! In the air conditioning! Alert security!"

Kelly approached a T-intersection in the pipe and pulled herself into the tube ahead of her just as a shot ring out, a bullet piercing the air where her body had been a moment ago. She could hear racing footfalls on the floor above her. She paused for a moment, slowing her breathing, and started to slide as quietly as possible along the duct. There had to be another way out. She had gotten out of more difficult situations. She and Michael both had.

Kelly approached another panel, its louvers open, and saw a sentry directly below, holding a rifle. If she could only get that gun! Maybe if she dropped down on him she could catch him by surprise. Was it too risky?

"I've got one shot at this." Kelly thought. She drooped down and-



Kelly fell over in pain, her leg wounded by gunshot. "No..." Kelly then realized that the man had been knocked out, his gun on the floor. Kelly knew that she could use the gun. She saw two guards rushing towards her.

"Gotta make this count!" Kelly shot two bullets, hitting them both directly in the head. "Bullseye!"

Kelly dashed through the prison, her feet flying. It was just like being back in the forest. She eventually found a cell with a different lock on it. She read what the lock said

Name: Perinade "Perry" Van Holt

Charged with: Betrayal, hacking unsafe machinery

Security: Maximum

"Wait, could that be-" "Kelly!" Her thoughts were interrupted by Perry's enthusiastic voice. "You're here! Quick, the key is over th- Oh, what happened to your leg?" Kelly looked down. How did she run with an injury like THAT? "Anyway, just get that key and-"

"Wait, wait." Kelly said her voice rising. "Betrayal? Unsafe machinery? Perinade Van Holt?"

"I can explain! Just get me out of here!"

Kelly's eyes narrowed...

"Hmmm... betrayal. Well, well, well. If there is one thing I just cannot accept, that is betrayal."

"But... They'll kill me! Please......!!!!!!!! They are very bad people."

Kelly looked at the pitiful sight of him. To think she had done all this, to rescue... a traitor. "Will they torture you first?" She wondered.

Perinade looked out with a look of horror in his eyes. "They use a large corkscrew, inside.... that is how they..."

"Good." Kelly smiled at the thought of justice being done. "As bad as all of these people are, betrayal is much, much worse. I hope they use the worst, most jagged corkscrew."

She walked away, whistling jauntily, despite the pain. At the end of the corridor, from where she could still hear Perry's desperate cries for her to reconsider, was a door with a metal circle with a wave and trident symbol, exactly like the pendant, except with the relief reversed.

She placed the pendant against the circle, and a green glow surrounded the door. A strange feeling of giddiness overcame her.

She had the strange impression that she was now suddenly in a street, with dilapidated wooden houses. There was an adjacent pier and a sea that stretched to the horizon. Although sunny, the breeze carried a chill. Some of the houses had black-and-white flags with the waves and trident symbol on their front porches.

Some unusual birds, like white ravens, looked at her from the grass verge by the pavement where she lay. Beside her was a metal pole, with a circle like that on the door. This must be some kind of weird teleportation system, she thought... unless this was all a hallucination.

"Well, might as well explore this crazy place", said Kelly. She was not sure what was going on here, but she sure as heck needed to find out.

After a while, she noticed something strange. This place appeared to be almost like her hometown. Except for one thing. Where her house should have been, was a large cemetery.

As she approached it, she realized that it had all blank gravestones with almost microscopic writing on them, obviously not readable by the human eye. Except for one.

Here lies Perinade Van Holt

Friday June 13 1997 - July 19 2015


Kelly decided to flee the graveyard, her feet flying. Then, she stopped. She realized all the gravestones' microscopic text was growing.




In the distance, Kelly could hear screams of pain. The screams began to become closer. Kelly tried to run, but couldn't. Eventually, the screams were in her ears. She suddenly felt a sharp pain, like she was stabbed.

Kelly awoke standing in a cell. She noticed a girl walking away. Looking closer, Kelly realized it was her! She screamed, but the words that came out were not hers. She looked down, to realize in shock that she was in Perry's body!

"Okay, move along to the torturing chamber. We don't have all day." She realized it was...Patrick? How did she know his name? "No, it's not me! I'm not a traitor!"

"Yeah, that's what they all say. Listen, I don't like this anymore than you, but if I don't do this, they'll kill me too!"


"HelloKelly." She awakened in a barren landscape to the voice of...Perry?

" I thought you died!"




"No! I can do whatever I want! You can't control my fate! I WON'T LET YOU!


The story continues…
Kelly allows Perry to take her away
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